In Vital Harmony now available!

I really am in awe of the privileges we enjoy thanks to technology. I wrote a book. I sent a digital copy to my editor, and she edited it and sent it back. No paper changed hands. I refined the text and my talented, tech-savvy husband did the very professional layout on the computer. Generous margins, a clean and accurate table of contents, and straight text edges do not happen by accident. But still, no paper was consumed in this process. I clicked a virtual “publish” button yesterday, and after waiting a whole twenty-four hours, everything is set up to go. You can go order a copy of this book and Amazon will have a paperback copy at your door within a few days, or a digital Kindle version on your device within minutes. I am in indie author, meaning I self-publish my books, and I am proud of it. I think it goes hand in hand with being a homeschooler. We believe that we can do things, and we go ahead and do them. Sometimes, technology helps.

So, I’m releasing In Vital Harmony (also the Kindle version) into the world to find its own way.  I hope it will contribute to your understanding, not just of Charlotte Mason but of education—what its purpose is and how it operates. I really hope reading this book will ground you in the principles of education in such a way that you go forward with more confidence than before. You know how to manage fire, you know how to live with the law of gravity, and you can be sure that you are teaching well when a few simple principles govern what you do.

Would you be so kind as to consider leaving a review for me at Amazon after you’ve read the book? It’s helpful for future readers to see what others have gotten out of a book, and Amazon is kinder to books that have been reviewed by real readers.

Most of all, I hope In Vital Harmony will be a blessing and encouragement. If it is, I would love to hear from you. Nothing encourages me more than to hear that one of my books made a difference, even a small one. Thank you for being with me on this journey.




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