This is launch week!

Every once in a while, something you’ve been waiting for arrives a little earlier than anticipated. So it is with Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition! Thanks to the miracle of modern digital publishing, a finished manuscript can be transformed into a real book with amazing speed. And so it’s ready!

I’m so excited to finally be able to share the book with you all, and I’m looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Just because I’m so excited and you’ve all been patient these extra weeks, I’ve prepared several bonuses for launch week.

First of all, I’m giving away a few signed copies of Consider This. Check out this page for information about how you can enter multiple ways for a chance to win. One of the ways to enter is by liking my new Facebook page for Consider This, which I hope will be a place to share news and feedback about the book.

Besides the chance to win a signed copy, I’ve also prepared a study guide with thoughtful questions and suggested extra reading. It will be a free PDF download through the end of October. I originally thought of making it free with purchase, but why would you download it if you weren’t planning to purchase the book sooner or later? So, even if you aren’t buying the book just yet, feel free to snag the study guide while it’s free!

But there is another bonus for those who do purchase the book by the end of October. If you order a physical copy, you can purchase the Kindle version for free through Amazon’s Matchbook program. Two for the price of one! However, this program is only available to buyers using It doesn’t work in Canada, Europe, or the UK.

I have been overwhelmed by how eagerly this book has been welcomed already. My goal in writing it was to produce a very readable, understandable book that would make some of the fundamentals of classical education plain—things that sometimes aren’t mentioned when classical education is discussed—and to show how Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and methods are faithful to those fundamentals. This isn’t a “how to” book, it’s a “why to” book, and my wish for those who read it is that you will come away with firmer convictions about what education is meant to be, and more confidence than ever in the methods Charlotte Mason developed to make that education possible. We’ll soon see if I’ve succeeded. I look forward to hearing what you think.

11 thoughts on “This is launch week!

    1. Yes, it is! I knew it was supposed to be, but I hadn’t checked. Unfortunately, the free Kindle Matchbook program isn’t valid in the UK. I’ll see if I can lower the Kindle price there for the rest of October.

  1. Oh my oh my oh MY! What a wonderful treat to awaken to this morning, Karen. I ordered my copy the second I saw the link…and then got to make a trip back to Amazon for the matchbook Kindle program offer after I finished reading this post. Now I can start reading before it is even delivered. THANK YOU!!

    PS – Did you feel a buzz in your ear yesterday? My boys and I were at an annual event at our local Living History Park when I overhead someone mention a Charlotte Mason study group. Naturally I had to interrupt this private conversation in order to learn more info. Sadly, the speaker was not a local so it was not of benefit to me in that regard, but we started talking about AO, your name came up, the book was mentioned and the speaker enthusiastically spoke of your upcoming book and turned to her friends to say something along the lines of “This is the book I forwarded you the information about.” I was so tickled. Sometimes I feel like AO and the forum is its own little sphere of people that I “know” online. I become so excited when I learn that it is so much bigger and wider than that “small” world can contain.

  2. Congratulations, Karen! I’m so looking forward to reading your book! It seems as though only the kindle edition is available in Canada. Do you know if the hardcopy will be available, too? I’d really rather have a real book.

    1. Oh Canada–so close,and yet so far. I published the book via Amazon’s subsidiary, Create Space, and Canada appears to be…unmentionable? Create Space allows for book distribution via and in Europe, but Canada…no. I don’t know why, but I have no control over it. I’m afraid my would-be Canadian readers must either order from the US or UK, or read the Kindle version. I wish it were otherwise. If you are aware of a bookseller who would like to be a Canadian distributor, have them contact me. I can arrange wholesale sales via Create Space. Wait. Hmm. What happens if you try to order from Create Space? Check it out let me know.

  3. Just ordered it, Karen – so happy for you, that you have this huge project finished – published! I can’t wait to read it…and share it with others who keep asking me questions about how we ‘do school’ – thank you.

  4. Ordered my book yesterday and am currently reading the free Kindle version! I can see that this — “This isn’t a ‘how to’ book, it’s a “why to” book” — is true. Thank you so much for that. The Foreword itself was pretty exciting stuff! I plan to finish my first read through this weekend, and when the book arrives on Tuesday, I’ll be ready with pen for the next reading. The writing is very clear, and the heart and experience behind it is obvious. Thank you again.

  5. Hooray!! And thank you for the Matchbook aspect too – I’m so excited to get to read it even before I have it in my hands.

  6. So looking forward to reading, Karen! I will be buying my copy, and if I end up winning one, I’ll give it to a friend. I’m very excited you’ve reached the finish line! Congratulations. 🙂

  7. I’ve been waiting eagerly for the launch of your book. Can’t wait to discover more about CM and Classical education. Just ordered it, unfortunately the Kindle Matchbook is not available in Germany.

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