Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition is for sale at Amazon, in both physical and digital versions. The Study Guide is available for free.
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Amongst both school and home educators, Charlotte Mason’s methods and Classical Education have long been considered two different things. In fact, they should not be. Charlotte Mason deliberately looked back to classical educators such as Plato, Plutarch, Comenius, and Milton for her inspiration. She drew her ideas from the past and presented them to her contemporaries in a form that was easy to understand and implement. She wasn’t just a marginal Victorian teacher—she was a modern thinker whose ideas about education have their source in the classical past. Because the postmodern world that we live in finds its beginnings in the world she lived in, her message is still pertinent and timely, and needed even more sorely than when she first wrote.
Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition takes a look at the most vital ideas that influenced the classical educators and shows how Charlotte Mason’s principles reflect the same ideas and values. Reading Consider This will make her methods more attractive than ever, not only because they are effective, but because they are exactly the right way to prepare our young learners to engage with the culture they have to live in. Classical Education is not dusty and old—it is alive and vibrant, and Charlotte Mason’s ideas about how to implement it are like an invitation to join the party.
Available now! Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition

Quotable Quote
I have quoted freely from both Charlotte Mason and many classical educators in my book, but not every potential quote made it into the text. Here’s one I would have included if I could have:
Let it be our negative purpose to discourage in every way we can the educational faddist, that is, the person who accepts a one-sided notion in place of a universal idea as his educational guide. Our positive purpose is to present, in season and out of season, one such universal idea; that is, that education is the science of relations. (School Education, p. 161)
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