New Audio Seminar!

I’m very excited to share a new project that I’ve been working on. One of the things that makes Charlotte Mason’s methods so effective is the fact that they are based on principles—absolute truths about a person and the way that a person’s mind works. This audio seminar is a discussion about the way that principles operate in our lives, and an introduction into the key principles that stand at the helm, guiding our educational decisions.

Donna-Jean Breckenridge is my host and joined me to talk over the way that we’ve seen these principles work in our own home schools for the past two decades.  We hope that this three-part 90 minute seminar, which includes a handout with references to the passages discussed in Charlotte Mason’s Home Education series, will help those new to the methods to appreciate the way that the principles drive the practices in a Charlotte Mason education, and why that matters. As long-time practitioners of Miss Mason’s method, we found ourselves encouraged by this discussion of the fundamental principles, and I hope it will encourage other veterans as well.

The cost of the seminar is $10, and I hope it will be a great investment in your understanding of Charlotte Mason’s principles and why they matter.

We would love your feedback on this project, so please leave a comment here to let us know what you think!

Purchase Principles at the Helm Seminar

4 thoughts on “New Audio Seminar!

  1. What a helpful resource! I’ve found myself recommending this to new CM moms over and over. In 90 minutes, they are able to walk away with a basic understanding of the most significant principles in a Charlotte Mason education from women who have studied deeply, applied successfully, and helped teach others. Thank you for helping us pass the torch onward in an easily accessible way for the busy modern homeschooling mom!

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