I haven’t sent out an update for a while, but there are number of things I want to share, and since one of them is time-sensitive, now seems like the right moment.
Just for fun, I decided to participate in Read Tuesday–a “black Friday” event just for books and readers. Read Tuesday happens this week, on December 9th. If you haven’t bought a copy of Consider This yet, or if you wanted an extra copy to share or give, you can go to the Read Tuesday site on December 9th and get a coupon for 40% off the list price, although the coupon must be used in the Create Space e-store (it won’t work at Amazon).
Also, for that day, the Kindle Matchbook will be free if you do buy from Amazon. In fact, it’s free already, a couple of days early. This is one reason I’m writing this update. You can take advantage of it even if you bought your book weeks ago. If you already purchased a copy of Consider This from Amazon, but you didn’t download the Kindle version for free, you can take advantage of the offer during this time. If you want a digital copy, don’t miss this chance. The Kindle version actually has two things that the print copy does not–a photograph of the fresco in Florence that Charlotte Mason found so inspiring, and live links in the bibliography.
A few weeks ago, I recorded an interview with Jennifer Dow at Expanding Wisdom. We had a great time talking about the ideas in Consider This. If you haven’t already heard it, I wanted to let you know that it’s out there.
When you read a book, do you wonder if the author is planning to write more? Even before I finished Consider This, I was working on another project, and it seems that new ideas for future projects keep presenting themselves all the time. It would take me a long, long time to bring them all into reality. But I don’t think it will take me twenty more years to produce another book, and I hope sometime early in 2015 to be able to tell you about my next project.
Finally, my thanks to those who have reviewed at Amazon. I appreciate each one of you who has taken the time to do this.
Merry Christmas–I wish you all the very best during the season we remember the birth of our Savior!
Karen Glass