I began teaching online classes earlier this year. So far, I’ve taught several sessions of a book study on my own book, In Vital Harmony, which I’ll offer again in the future. I’ve received several suggestions for future classes, and I’ve been working on a few things.
I’ve got two new classes lined up for the new year. The first one is half book study/half seminar based upon Know and Tell. It will be a six-week seminar that starts in March, covering all the whys and hows of narration, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and discuss the process. If you’re interested in that one, you can get the details and sign up here:
The next one is a longer course requiring an investment on several levels. I’ll be teaching through David Hicks’ seminal work on classical education, Norms and Nobility, which is 22% off on the day I’m publishing this! If you’ve already invested in the book but haven’t been able to get as much out of it as you want to, you might like to invest in this course. We’ll be taking it a little slower—meeting every two weeks—so you’ll have time to read. There will be a place for online discussion as well, so questions can be asked and we can explore some ideas more fully when there is interest. I hope you’ll consider joining me! This class will last from January to June, and will include study material for each chapter. You can get all the details for the class and sign up here:
I’m looking forward to both of these classes, and I hope you’ll be able to join me for at least one of them.
(n.b. Amazon links are affiliate links.)