With the hope of a release date before the end of August, I feel like my eyes are watching the clock and calendar anxiously. There are so many little details. I had hoped to share the final cover design by now, but that is still a couple of weeks away. After the cover is done, I hope to have a short video preview to share. Meanwhile, I’m working on editing so that the final manuscript will be as error-free as possible.
I’ve uploaded one new article, The Teacher as a Philosopher, and I hope to add a few more in the coming weeks. I’ve also added some kind commentary from Sonia Shafer of Simply Charlotte Mason to the main page.
Thank you for you interest in Consider This. I am really looking forward to sharing the finished book with you very soon!
Karen Glass
I am anxiously awaiting the release, Karen. Reading allusions in the blogosphere by people who have read an advanced copy have me itching to read it myself! Now I have a release date in mind to reserve time to read this undoubtedly magnificent book with my full attention and I eagerly await it. I have been wondering, though – will it be a hard copy or an eBook/Kindle book?
It will be available both ways–as a physical book and as a Kindle book. Hurray for modern publishing options. 🙂
Oh good. I was hoping that it would be available in hard copy format. I am certain that this is one I will need to hold in my hand and highlight again and again. Thanks for the quick response, Karen!
I am so glad there will be a physical book as I don’t use a kindle or something like that. I am really looking forward to some fresh insights into CM!!
August will be perfect for me. I hope to take it with me to the beach;)