This is a project I’ve had on the back burner for a while. I’ve come to realize that when it comes to blogging, I mostly enjoy doing a series to accompany a reading or studying project of my own, along with the occasional single post. When I’ve done series in the past, I’ve been encouraged to collect the posts into a digital book so they can be easily read together, but I never took the time to do that.
As the years go by, blog posts scroll down and go off the radar. If you’re a new reader or a mom who wasn’t thinking about a particular topic two years ago, and now you are, the very post you might like to read may be impossible to find. So, I finally took my friend’s advice and created the “Encore” series of digital books to make some of this content more accessible, and perhaps more convenient to read and refer to.
I’ve been working on the project for a while, and quietly published the first two a while ago, although a few enterprising readers have already found them and purchased them. (How did you do that?) I’ve been waiting to have three books ready together so that I could also offer a collection for those interested (it’s a good deal). I will be adding books to this collection, so if your favorite blog series isn’t available now, perhaps it will be in the future.
All the posts, which are free to read on the blog, will remain there. However, I’ve created a bit of bonus content which is exclusive to the Encore book, as a thank-you for those who make a purchase.
This is what I’ve got for you so far:
Book 1:
A close look at principles thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen, which are the practical principles added to the philosophical ones, “for the use of teachers.” These are the practices Charlotte Mason found vital enough to include as principles.
Some Practices are Principles (Kindle Version)
Some Practices are Principles (e-pub version)
Book 2:
Charlotte Mason thought she had found the answer to Comenius’s quest for “a liberal education for all.” This is an eclectic collection of observations about the many similarities in their thoughts and approach to education, in spite of the fact that they lived over 200 years apart.
Charlotte Mason and Comenius (Kindle version)
Charlotte Mason and Comenius (e-pub version)
Book 3:
This was not a blog series, but includes a collection of posts that I’ve written to address various questions about the link between Charlotte Mason and classical education. It does not contain absolute answers, but provides material for your own thoughtful consideration. (Hint: If you want to see which posts are included, use the “Look Inside” feature of the Kindle version.)
Classical Considerations (Kindle version)
Classical Considerations (e-pub version)
If you like the idea of loading up your e-reader with several books at once, I’ve collected these first three together in one.
Collection of Encore Books 1-3 (Kindle version)
Collection of Encore Books 1-3 (e-pub version)
And there you go! Something new for anyone interested, and one project off of my plate for the moment. I’ll be giving away a handful of these Encore books on Facebook and Instagram–you get to choose the title you want. I’ll also be giving a few away here on the blog. Not long ago I added a “subscribe via email” button in the sidebar. If you’re subscribed, you’ll automatically be included in the drawing, and if you subscribe by Friday, March 15, you’ll be included, too.
I’m happy to hear your thoughts about this new project. Do you read digital books?
I think it is a wonderful idea! I love the ease that this will provide in starting and stopping readings. I do enjoy digital books but my heart will always favour print first.
Karen, I would love to have these in print. I will buy them if you do choose to get them printed. (Even if it is in a pdf format that I can print at home!) I don’t retain digital information very well, but the printed word I do. Thank you! ~ Michelle Dee
At the moment, I only plan for these to be digital books, since they are based on blog series. 🙂