I haven’t written an update for a while, but with less than a month left until the promised release date, it seemed like a good time to let you know what’s been going on.
- I recently added a new article, “Why Did She Have to Say That?,” which discusses Charlotte Mason’s first two principles of education in some detail, giving the historical background that influenced her principles. One of the early chapters of Consider This includes some of the information in this article, so it’s a sneak-peak into part of the book as well.
- Part of the reason for the delayed publication is a welcome addition to the book, and I’m so pleased to be able to share that David V. Hicks, author of Norms and Nobility, has written an introduction for Consider This. There is no living educator and author I admire more, and I have quoted Norms and Nobility in my book. This is a great honor for me, and I am delighted to be able to share this news with you now.
- With publication drawing near, I plan to offer a few give-aways to reward your patience. I’m excited to share this work with you! It won’t be long now.
Karen Glass
Very excited about the book.
An introduction by David Hicks certainly makes it worth waiting a bit longer for “Consider This” to be available! I am so excited to read this book and begin passing it along to other classical homeschooling moms that I want to introduce to the wisdom of Charlotte Mason!
Oh, My! What a magnificent addition to what I already anticipate being an absolute treasure!
I cannot WAIT! 🙂