From Plumfield and Paideia: “Whether one is Classical, Charlotte Mason, eclectic, traditional school-at-home, or an unschooler, it seems to be common practice to stand firmly on “our way” and be suspicious (or outright acrimonious) toward those who adhere to a different philosophy. Glass’ book is a breath of fresh air in a conversation that is sometimes polluted with vitriol. Instead of focusing on the differences, Consider This does exactly as the title suggests: it asks us to consider the rich educational traditions that we have in common, and the ways in which they have evolved and influenced our modern day philosophies.” Read the full review.
From an Australian blogger and educator: “In recent years the Circe Institute has been instrumental in helping me to better understand classical education and now Consider This, in exploring the roots of Charlotte Mason’s ideas, has provided a link between the two approaches.” Read the full review.
From Embellished: “I feel like I understand Charlotte Mason for the first time.” Read the full review.
From Homeschooling Downunder: “Whilst this is a book about philosophy it is not boring. It is filled with insight about the objectives behind Charlotte Mason’s methods and how well considered her methods were. It has challenged me to think more deeply into my own educational goals and ideals.” Read the full review.
Dr. Thorley offers his opinions. “In the Greek and Roman world education (which was only for the privileged minority) was concentrated on certain writers (poets, especially Homer, historians and orators)…” With that definition of classical education, readers of Consider This will not be surprised that he disagrees with my conclusion (Charlotte Mason is a partaker of the classical tradition of education), but not, in fact, with most of what I say. Read the full review.
From Marigold Quotidian: ” She showed us how to think through educational ideas and try them out and in this sense Charlotte has added her voice to the great tradition of what we understand as Classical Education.” Read the full review.
Mystie Winkler at Simply Convivial: “It’s brief, concise, easy-to-read, and cuts straight to the point. I love it.” Read the full review.
Jennifer Dow at Expanding Wisdom: “One of the biggest frustrations I have encountered in pursuit of the this tradition is how many tensions seem to be unresolvable on this side of eternity. Karen resolved many of those tensions for me. It was like a healing balm on tattered nerves that were trying a bit too hard.” – Read the full review.