There’s news!

I rarely send out these updates, because I rarely have news, but suddenly, I have a lot of news!

First, the Spanish translation of Mind to Mind–De mente a mente–will be available very, very soon–probably later this month.

Silvia Cachia has overseen the translation, and done all the editing single-handedly. She has a proof copy in hand, and it won’t be long now.




Maybe you’ve noticed, maybe you haven’t, that there’s been some noise about whether or not Charlotte Mason and Classical Education have anything in common. I finally had something to say, and I tackled the topic in two recent blog posts: Classical or Not? and Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition.

If that topic doesn’t really interest you, I’ve got something better! I’m starting a blog series that will last several weeks based on my reading of In Memoriam. The first one is up and ready to read–look for them every Friday for the next several weeks.

And look–there’s a freshly-published physical copy available now:


(aff. link)

And finally, if you look at my updated front page, you’ll see a hint about the real news I’ve been promising: I have been working on another book for the past couple of years. This one is on a completely different topic, although it’s Charlotte Mason-related, of course. I really can’t wait to tell you all about it (and show you the beautiful cover!), and my announcement should be ready to go about the time the In Memoriam series is done.

Hope you’re having a wonderful summer!

Karen Glass