First thing on the agenda for 2019 is a new blog series! I’m excited about this one because it’s about my favorite of Charlotte Mason’s six volumes and because it’s a joint venture with my friend and colleague (at AmblesideOnline), Anne White (author of Minds More Awake and The Plutarch Project
I did an informal poll in the AmblesideOnline Facebook group last year, asking people which volumes in the six-volume Charlotte Mason series they had read. I wasn’t surprised that volume five, Formation of Character, came in dead last in that poll. It’s never going to be the first or most important book to read, but there’s really excellent material—some of it a bit surprising—in there. We want you to have a taste of it, so get ready for our “Take the Fifth” series!
The four-week series will begin Monday, January 21. We’ll be posting three times a week—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday—so it’s going to be full of good things. Anne will posting on her blog, Anne Writes; I’ll be posting here; and the Friday posts will be interesting excerpts to whet your appetite for further reading. We’ll be cross-reference everything, and I’ll add links to this post each week so you won’t miss anything. Even if you don’t have time to read Formation of Character yourself in 2019, you’ll end up with a good idea of what to expect when you do get a chance.
We’re really hoping that this glimpse between the covers of volume five will give you a desire to pick it up and read it.
Join us as we…
All posts in this series:
- Why we do what we do (The Formation of Character)
- Part I—Forming habits with older children
- Quote: Wisdom from Volume 5: No Shortage of Love
- Quote: Words of Wisdom from Formation of Character, Part I
- Volume 5, Part II: “Education is the Maker of Character”
- Part II–So many things to think about!
- Quote: Wisdom from Volume 5: Too Many Cooks, Not Enough Facts.
- Quote: Words of Wisdom from Formation of Character, part II
- Part III—Delight in Knowledge
- Volume 5, Part 3: “Young Maidens at Home”
- Quote: Words of Wisdom from Formation of Character, part III
- Quote: Wisdom from Volume 5: A Place for Home-Bred Daughters
- Part IV—Sowing the Seeds
- Volume 5 Part IV: All About Pendennis
- Quote: Words of Wisdom from Formation of Character, Part IV
- Quote: Wisdom from Part IV: A generous zeal for education.
- Anne’s closing post for the series
- Last chat about Formation of Character (with audio recording!)
This sounds great! I’ll be following these posts. This is actually the first CM volume I ever read, which was a very strange place to start.
Yes, it is. I wonder if you are the only person who ever did that???
I’m really excited about this! I should have known that Charlotte Mason would have spent time thinking about Formation of Character. Character training feeds so naturally into growing the whole child in life and Godliness.