So yesterday, I launched Know and Tell into the world, and I know lots of you already ordered it and are waiting for it to arrive. No one has actually had a chance to read it yet, but I can tell how many of you want to. Look at this:
You made Know and Tell the number-one new release in its sub-sub-sub-sub category. Thank you for that.
By way of thanks, I’m going to share one of the charts I created for Know and Tell. This is a scope and sequence of how narration works across twelve years of schooling. You can see how each step in the progression continues and builds on what has gone before. Within each stage, you have one new thing to focus on, while your child continues to polish and develop the skills from the earlier stages. Each step allows plenty of time for building fluency before you move on to the next one.
Much of Know and Tell is, of course, a more detailed look at how you make each stage work, accompanied by lots of narrations from real kids to make it all come to life. I’m really looking forward to hearing what you all think. After you read, will you consider leaving a review at Amazon? Those reviews are helpful to potential readers, but they encourage authors, too. Most of all, I’m hoping to hear that Know and Tell has encouraged you to be consistent with narration, because your children have so much to gain.
Ordered my today! Thanks 🙂
I loved your book! I wish you had written it when I started doing Ambleside 3 years ago! One on dictation would be good too! Hint, hint… So helpful. I only wish you had given a few tips on what to do with an older highschooler who frequently gives very light “summaries”, if you even call them that on any book that is nonfiction. I can get great details out of fiction but it is as though he consistently doesn’t fully read his other books. I know you are not supposed to have them read the chapter again but, isnt it pointless if he isn’t gaining anything from the chapters he is supposedly reading. I am at my wits end.I work three days a week and playing catch up with him is insane. Help!!! Thank you!
You might encourage him to take brief notes as he reads, to help him keep track of details that can become part of his narration. And he is gaining from what he reads. He might do better narrating shorter portions (rather than whole chapters) from some non-fiction books. If you can listen to them at the time, he could record them. Or write them. Lots of options, and kudos for hanging in there with him.