Category Archives: News/Updates

Launching Mind to Mind this week!

The official release date for Mind to Mind is September 4th, and in consideration of that, I’m offering to give away a couple of copies for free. I’m also happy to share that the book will be translated into Spanish, although that work is only “in progress” at the moment.

Because things sometimes happen on a schedule that I don’t really control, Mind to Mind: An Essay Towards a Philosophy of Education is already available at Amazon, and all the linking and synching is there so you can get a free Kindle version matched to the purchase of the book.

However, if you are thinking of purchasing, you might want to wait until Friday and join in trying to make Mind to Mind a “hot new release.”

A little news…

It’s been a busy summer. Is there any other kind? One of the highlights for me was the privilege of speaking at AmblesideOnline‘s “At Home” retreat in Indiana, during July. Recordings of all the excellent speakers will be made available.

I’m so pleased, also, to be able to announce that Anne White’s new book, Minds More Awake, is now available. You can read my review here, and I think you’ll want this one on your “to be read” list.

And if you’ve been wondering whether Mind to Mind was ever going to become a reality, I am happy to announce that the official release date will be September 4th. I did offer some Advanced Reader Copies at the “At Home” retreat, and I did not have any left over. I’ll be giving away a couple of copies of Mind to Mind during the release week. If you aren’t already subscribed to my (very infrequent) updates, sign up so you don’t miss out.

Thank you for your continued interest,


Karen Glass

A New Project!

I’m very excited to share about the project I’ve been working on for a year. I know many of my subscribers will already have read Charlotte Mason’s sixth volume, A Philosophy of Education. However, many readers stumble at the language, the poetry, and the casual references to long-forgotten people, events, and even books.

In order to make  Charlotte Mason’s own words clearer and sharper, I have ventured to abridge the volume, and added subheadings and chapter introductions to illuminate the text. I’ve titled the new work Mind to Mind–you can read all about it here.

Thank you for your continuing interest!

Karen Glass

Announcing an announcement

It’s been a while since my last update.

If you haven’t visited my website since the last one, you’ll find a few new blog posts there, including a look at the way Consider This dovetails nicely with The Living Page by Laurie Bestvater.

I’ve also added a new article: Wholes and Parts—Which is Which?

But mostly this update is to let you know that very soon—within a week or so—I’ll be sharing my latest writing project. I’m looking forward to telling all about this project. I’ll also be able to share the title, the cover, and a sneak preview as well. Which makes this the announcement of an announcement…coming soon.

Thank you for you interest!

Karen Glass


Study Guide for Consider This

The study guide has been available for free on my website, and it will continue to be available as a free PDF. However, there were some typos in the original file, and it has been updated. No content has changed, but if you’d like a cleaner version, or you haven’t downloaded it yet, it’s available here.

If you happen to like the idea of a printed version with a cover that complements the book, I’ve finally published it at Amazon. I’m making the physical version of the Consider This Study Guide available for those who do prefer to have physical books.  There’s a good bit of white space there for your own notes, but you can print the PDF version and do the same thing if you like.

I had the opportunity to discuss the ideas behind Consider This at the Charlotte Mason Institute. The link is the blog post I wrote there. I wrote a short post for my own blog as well.

I’ve had some great feedback, and I’m so grateful for those who have taken the time to write a review, either at Goodreads or at Amazon. I appreciate all your comments, but nothing makes me happier than to hear that reading Consider This was an encouragement to you as your teach your children. Thank you!

I’m immersed in two other writing projects at the moment, as well as looking to the future for another major project. I will likely be asking for advance readers soon.  If you would like to be notified, please be sure to subscribe to updates (if you received a link to this update via email, of course you are already subscribed!).

Never stop learning,

Karen Glass


New in 2015

The new year has been around a few weeks, but perhaps the shine hasn’t worn off completely, so Happy New Year!

I’ve posted a brand-new article (rather than a recycled one from years ago) about the difficulty in nailing down a definition for classical education. There are also a couple of new reviews that I’ve linked to (including a less-than-enthusiastic one).

I’ll be working on two book projects in 2015, and I hope one of them will make it into publication before the year is out. I’m not quite ready to talk about them, but if you’re subscribed to updates, you’ll definitely be the first to hear about them.

Here’s to growing and learning in 2015! Cheers.


Karen Glass

Interview With Sonya Shafer of Simply Charlotte Mason

I did an interview with Sonya Shafer recently. She had some interesting questions, and I got to share a bit about my own family.

Karen Glass

Latest Update

I haven’t sent out an update for a while, but there are number of things I want to share, and since one of them is time-sensitive, now seems like the right moment.

Just for fun, I decided to participate in Read Tuesday–a “black Friday” event just for books and readers. Read Tuesday happens this week, on December 9th. If you haven’t bought a copy of Consider This yet, or if you wanted an extra copy to share or give, you can go to the Read Tuesday site on December 9th and get a coupon for 40% off the list price, although the coupon must be used in the Create Space e-store (it won’t work at Amazon).

Also, for that day, the Kindle Matchbook will be free if you do buy from Amazon. In fact, it’s free already, a couple of days early. This is one reason I’m writing this update. You can take advantage of it even if you bought your book weeks ago. If you already purchased a copy of Consider This from Amazon, but you didn’t download the Kindle version for free, you can take advantage of the offer during this time. If you want a digital copy, don’t miss this chance. The Kindle version actually has two things that the print copy does not–a photograph of the fresco in Florence that Charlotte Mason found so inspiring, and live links in the bibliography.

A few weeks ago, I recorded an interview with Jennifer Dow at Expanding Wisdom. We had a great time talking about the ideas in Consider This. If you haven’t already heard it, I wanted to let you know that it’s out there.

When you read a book, do you wonder if the author is planning to write more? Even before I finished Consider This, I was working on another project, and it seems that new ideas for future projects keep presenting themselves all the time. It would take me a long, long time to bring them all into reality. But I don’t think it will take me twenty more years to produce another book, and I hope sometime early in 2015 to be able to tell you about my next project.

Finally, my thanks to those who have reviewed at Amazon. I appreciate each one of you who has taken the time to do this.

Merry Christmas–I wish you all the very best during the season we remember the birth of our Savior!

Karen Glass

Have you started reading yet?

I’m humbled by the wonderful feedback I’ve gotten so far. Now that the book is published, I’m in the position of a chef who has made a new dish and is peeking through the kitchen door to the dining room, hoping the diners will like it.

Here are a few quick updates:

I’m gathering links to online reviews, and there are already a few to read.

If you’ve read the book, and would like to share your thoughts with others, please rate and review at Amazon. Reader reviews influence other potential readers.

I wrote a guest blog post for Brandy at Afterthoughts on Charlotte Mason’s views on evolution.

I’ve added a blog feature to my website, and one of the things I’ll use it for is discussing a few homeschooling products that make use of synthetic rather than analytic thinking. Stay tuned!

For now, the Study Guide for Consider This will remain available for free. I’m working on creating a printed version as well, in case anyone is interested in having a physical copy.

Thank you for your continued interest.

Karen Glass

Last few days for launch week extras!

Don’t miss out!

I know that many of you have already purchased Consider This, and I understand a few of you have even metaphorically devoured it. This is just a reminder that the Study Guide will only be available as a free PDF download for two more days. It doesn’t matter if you’ve purchased the book yet–feel free to download it now if you’ll want it later.

Also, don’t forget that the Kindle version is free with the purchase of the physical copy of Consider This (currently discounted to $12.04).

If you purchased the book and forgot to get the Kindle version–you still can. Follow the directions at Amazon at the above link.

After you read, I would love to hear your thoughts. And for those so inclined, please post your ratings and reviews on Amazon. Those reviews influence potential readers.

Thank you for your continued interest. I look forward to hearing what you think!

Karen Glass